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Skyrim Ps4 Magic Mods

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  1. Skyrim Ps4 Strange Magic Mod
  2. Skyrim Magic Mods Ps4
  3. Skyrim Ps4 Magic Mods 1

Practicing magic in Skyrim is easily one of the main reasons why so many people love the game.

Embarking on a journey across the cold region of northern Tamriel can be fun when you're slaying foes left and right with the power of your spells. Mastering the various schools of magic also gives you enough variety to keep you entertained for hours.

But now that Skyrim has been a thing for almost a decade, it's only natural that people are looking to add more spells and learn new magical goodies to keep the game fun and fresh.

Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that adds new Spells of all different schools to the game. Up until recently, the mod More Apocalypse - An expansion for Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim was a part of this mod under the name 'More Apocalypse', but has since been released as a separate mod. Master spells added by this mod require the appropriate master-spell. Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that adds new Spells of all different schools to the game. Up until recently, the mod More Apocalypse - An expansion for Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim was a part of this mod under the name 'More Apocalypse', but has since been released as a separate mod. Master spells added by this mod require the appropriate master-spell.

That's where magic mods come in! Many of the spells included in these mods are as balanced as you get from the ones included in the base game, so balance won't be a thing to worry about.

Skyrim Special Edition: The Best PS4 Mods You Can Get. After a bit of back and forth and lots of deliberation, Sony and Bethesda finally agreed to the implementation of mods on PS4 releases.

In any case, not every mod in this list is about adding new spells to the game. Some of these add amazing mechanics that greatly improve magic in general, so be sure to check out everything here and download anything that catches your eye.

20. Colorful Magic

Colorful magic gives a new taste to the way spell casting works in Skyrim.

Firstly it aims to add a plethora of new unique spells and enchantments, all of which can be freely used depending on your school of preference.

It also adds many enemies to the game, amongst which you'll find some very colorful foes that give you a magic vibe like no other creatures in the game.

In general, even though this mod isn't the most balanced on this list, it does give you over 350 unique spells to add to your large arsenal.

19. Face Light

Face Light makes this list because of its magical principles, but not mainly because of how effective or powerful it is.

It simply makes the lighting of your character's face much more realistic upon activation, which makes this one of the best mods for people that need to take close-up pictures of their characters for one reason or another.

Face Light is a custom spell that you can choose to activate during any time in the game, as long as you have it equipped. And as long as you get this mod installed.

18. Enchanted Arsenal

Sure enough, you'll come across various enchantment mods during your search for magic mods online.

However out of all those mods that change the way enchantments look, the Enchanted Arsenal mod is a fan-favorite. Mainly because of how easily customizable it is.

The mod gives you access to a variety of animations that you can add to any of your weapons, giving them a unique feel that the base game fails to provide.

It's awesome and the best enchantment mod for those who want full customization of their weaponry.

Although there are some better mods on this list when it comes to the quality of visual effects added to the game, this one is worth looking into.

17. Spell Crafting for Skyrim

One of the features that you might be missing the most is spell crafting.

This mod adds the ability back into the game so you can create your own spells and abilities based on powers that the mod has included.

I mean really, you can create your own spells however you want them to look. That's pretty boss.

16. Animated Enchantments Overhaul

If you want unique-looking weapons and enchanted weaponry to look like no other in the game, then this is the mod for you.

It will make your weapons look unique depending on the type of enchantment that they have, whilst also projecting a different vibe while wielding them that no other mod in the game is capable of achieving.

Easy but definitely a noticeable difference.

Skyrim Ps4 Strange Magic Mod

15. The Way of The Force

Are you a Star Wars fan?

I'm gonna guess yes and say you'll absolutely love this mod.

With this you'll be able to learn the ways of the Force thanks to a series of quests that get added to the game, and you'll also be able to choose whether you want to be a Sith Lord or a Jedi Master with the powers that you'll learn.

The mod adds countless new abilities to the game as well as many weapons fitting of a Force user.

14. Spellmaking in Skyrim – The Last Altar

Spellmaking in Skyrim makes it a little bit better to craft spells than the first mod that we reviewed on this list.

For starters, this makes it for players to go to an altar if they are to craft spells, which means you won't be able to make spells wherever you go.

Although that's a bit more inconvenient, it does make it fairer and more balanced. Sometimes mods try to do that!

In any case, this mod will allow you to combine abilities and spells to enhance your powers and come up with unique abilities that only you will be able to use. So there are plenty of upsides to try it out.

13. Elemental Destruction Magic

Have you ever wondered why there are so few natural abilities to attack with?

Wouldn't it be better if you could summon rocks and other natural elements to cast powerful spells of the School of Destruction?

The answer is most definitely, yes.

With this mod, you'll be incorporating countless of new powers and abilities to the game based on some elements that the School of Destruction should be able to control in the base game.

That means that this mod is fully lore-friendly and really fun to play with.

12. Skyrim Spells and Powers

Made by the same author of the Bend Time mod, this one incorporates a ton of new spells to be used by mighty mages that have already reached higher levels in Skyrim.

As you might know, one of the main problems of vanilla magic is that some abilities get extremely repetitive and boring when you reach the higher levels.

So this mod is specifically meant to combat that little issue. Pros will love it.

11. Bend Time

As its name suggests, this mod allows you to play with time and bend it at your will.

When you cast this spell you'll be able to stop time(as the name kinda suggests).

This ability comes to be extremely useful in any type of combat situation as you'll be able to freeze over your enemies and deal damage fast. And they only get hit once time resumes.

Furthermore, you aren't affected by the time-bending itself. Which means that you can freely walk and shoot arrows and steal all while your enemies are frozen in time.

10. Bat Travel Power

This mod is ideal to be used by players who are working on a lore-friendly vampire character.

This is a special type of fast travel that is meant to be used by vampires, as it turns them into a cloud of bats and helps them traverse Skyrim much quicker without having to discover some locations first.

You can even set your own markers and decide where you want to go on the map!

9. Midas Magic Evolved

Summon new creatures, destroy foes with powerful beams of energy, and use new conjuration spells with the Midas Magic Evolved pack of over 250 new abilities.

You can even shoot magic arrows with the new powers that you're given, but beware!

Some of them can be very strong if your mage is a highly leveled up being. Be sure to use the powers wisely and don't let things get out of control.

8. No Enchantment Restrictions

This mod allows you to enchant and disenchant items that the base game wouldn't naturally allow you to do.

Which is highly convenient as it unlocks many more features that you can work with when crafting new pieces of armor and magical weaponry.

This also removes restrictions regarding the type of armor or weapon that you're enchanting.

With this mod you might create enchantments that would be exclusive to armor that matches your build. It's highly convenient, although some might consider it a bit overpowered.

7. Lost Grimoire of Skyrim

Lost Grimoire of Skyrim is carefully created to allow players to add a plethora of new spells to the game, all of which you can use in a balanced environment without having to worry about the spells being broken or too overpowered.

In fact, this mod is one of the best at keeping things balanced and in check when adding new stuff to the game.

If you want to add a bunch of new mechanics to your magical repertoire and not having to worry about discarding the ones that are overpowered then this mod is exactly what you're after.

6. Phenderix Magic Evolved

One of the largest additions of spells to the game, Phenderix Magic Evolved is a gigantic project that adds a lot of variety to the spells that come with base game Skyrim and introduces many new features.

One of the coolest features is spell combos that you can create with the many magical spells combined together.

You'll be able to come across new spells by approaching magic vendor throughout Skyrim, and the best thing about this mod is that it also makes them appear as random loot too.

This means that you'll be able to encounter new, powerful spells as you traverse the realm and slay foes with your magical prowess. Just play the game as normal and be pleasantly surprised along the way.

5. Forgotten Magic

Forgotten Magic isn't made to introduce a lot of spells into the game as most other magic mods do.

In fact, it does the exact opposite.

The main purpose of Forgotten Magic is to provide the player with a small roster of new spells to cast, all of which feel like they belong in the game and complement each other surprisingly well.

4. Wintermyst – Enchantments of Skyrim

Sure, base game Skyrim does have its fair share of enchantments to make your weapons and armor as powerful as can be.

Skyrim Magic Mods Ps4

But how cool would it be for you to enchant your armor with Overbearing spells?

How about arrows that do piercing frost damage?

All of this can be done with the Wintermyst set of enchantments which add over 120 different enchantments to the game. Neat!

3. Flying Mod

Riding a dragon is cool and all, but you know what's even cooler?

Blasting past dragons by flying like a demigod across the lands of Skyrim!

The Flying Mod, although it remains in beta, is currently the best option that you have to traverse the skies of Tamriel with the sheer power of magic – no mount required!

The mod provides you with a powerful spell that lets you lift off from the ground with ease.

And it has a ton of different animations included to make you feel more immersed in your newfound abilities.

2. Deadly Spell Impacts

One of the major flaws of Skyrim (which might limit your immersion level) is that all spells leave the same mark when you cast them toward something.

Deadly Spell Impacts changes the damage done to structures and items when a spell hits them, making it more accurate to the type of spell that was cast.

As such, frozen spells will leave an icy mark on the surface that they land. And fire spells will make it even more clear that a blaze of flame has passed through the targeted point.

Skyrim Ps4 Magic Mods 1

Maybe not a required addition but certainly adds more realism to this already incredible game.

1. Apocalypse – Magic of Skyrim

I really don't want to spoil the magnificence that is the Apocalypse magic mod. So I say download it and try it for yourself first.

But it adds over 100 spells, all of which are carefully crafted and balanced, and they include amazing textures that you won't find anywhere else in the game.

The creators of the mod have also made sure to make it compatible with other spell mods on this list so feel free to install it with other mods if you like!

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Bethesda Game Studio's iconic fantasy epic is a great game with a ton of content on its own, but with the hard work of a tirelessly hard-working modding community, Skyrim becomes something truly unique.

In this article, we're going to run down some of the best, most interesting, and most essential mods that Skyrim has to offer.

How do I install Skyrim mods?

There a few ways to install and manage your mods for Skyrim, and how you do it depends on which version of Skyrim you have. The Special Edition includes tools for searching for, installing and managing mods all built into the game. You can access it all from the main menu and it allows you to find and install new mods and update old ones without closing the game.

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If you have the original version of Skyrim, then your best bet is using a third party mod manager such as Nexus Mod Manager. This software allows you to easily install and update mods and handily keep them all in one place. Of course, you could always install mods manually into the game's directory, but third-party managers make it quicker and simpler.

26 Best Skyrim Mods You Need To Check Out

1. SkyUI

SkyUI is an excellent mod that overhauls the game's original cumbersome inventory. It makes the UI much easier to navigate and is much more appropriate for the many, many, many items, weapons and random objects you'll be picking up. It may also be a good introduction to the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE), a tool that expands the capabilities of mods and allows you to make more dramatic changes to the game.

2. Static Mesh Improvement Mod

The Static Mesh Improvement Mod is a graphical mod that simply makes the game's static 3D models look nicer. It's no secret that Skyrim's graphics haven't exactly aged well in the 7 years since its original release and this is one of countless mods that attempt to alleviate that problem one bit at a time. An essential mod for anyone trying to make Skyrim look as not-bad as possible.

3. Total Character Makeover

Total Character Makeover is a mod that aims to make the character models of Skyrim look a bit more aesthetically-pleasing and less muddy and rough. The faces of Skyrim have always been a little on the ugly side, and this mod gives the NPCs and the player avatar some improved resolutions without ruining your frame rate. Featuring complete overhauls for texture sets for all races, improved teeth textures, eyebrow textures, beard textures, and even high resolution makeup, warpaint, dirt, freckles, and scars. This mod will improve detail on your characters while remaining consistent with vanilla looks.

4. Opening Scene Overhaul

The Opening Scene Overhaul mod restores some lines that were cut by Bethesda but can still be found in the game's files. It adds additional carriage dialogue, and offers some deeper insight into the world you're about to explore. It also gives you the option of escaping with Ulfric himself if you decide to side with the Stormcloaks. This is a great mod if you think that Skyrim's opening sequences were a little underwhelming. This mod has new voice actors, more dialogue and different conversations with lasting impact on the game. A great mod for fresh immersive experience.

5. Open Cities

The Open Cities mod curbs the immersion-breaking loading screens that hit you whenever you enter a city, and aims to give the game a more Morrowind like feel. Stroll through cities on horseback and come and go as you please. This gives the world a much more open and natural experience, allowing new gameplay opportunities like riding a horse into the center of the new open cities! There are plenty of new battle and conversation interactions that can be had, and none of these will be interrupted with any pesky loading screens. A great mod to help make the world of Skyrim more seamless and connected.

6. Alternative Start

The Alternative Start mod offers a different start for new characters. It's the ideal mod for players who have experienced the original Skyrim opening more than enough times for one lifetime. A fun and unique role-playing mod, this mod is a great way to mix things up a bit if you have to start again with Special Edition, or simply want to make a new character.

7. Diverse Dragons Collection

This very cool mod overhauls the dragons you'll encounter in Skyrim. The original game featured a small variety of dragon designs and the fights quickly become repetitive and underwhelming. The Diverse Dragons Collection adds a staggering 28 new dragons, each boasting their own big dicks. It also features a variety of new dragon breaths and abilities to make the fights more interesting, as well as new ranks for the dragons intended to make the encounters scale with your level.

8. Achievements Mod Enabler

This mod is pretty straightforward. It allows you to earn achievements when using mods. It does this by patching Skyrim SE during its runtime. This will work on any version of Skyrim as it was designed to be version independent. You also do not have to worry if you already have modded before installing this, it also works on saves that have already been modded. Using mods doesn't necessarily mean that you're cheating, so why shouldn't you be able to earn achievements whilst modding the game? Who plays Skyrim without mods, anyway?

9. Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Another nice graphical overhaul mod, the Skyrim Flora Overhaul mod replaces most of the game's trees, grass and plants with original models, including 16 new trees and more than 180 new textures for ground cover and plants. This mod adds a lot more variety of flora, and they are all better looking and unique. It comes with a lot of support from the creator, with installation guides and lots of Frequently Asked Questions to help with any issues you may have. One more essential mod for players looking for the prettiest Skyrim possible.

10. Surreal Lighting

Surreal Lighting adds a bit of wonder to the landscapes of Skyrim, helping to make it feel more fantasy and less ordinary. Helps to make Skyrim more colourful and vibrant. This mod helps to alleviate the often depressing look of Skyrim, and makes it much more pleasant to play. There is also a handy video to show the detail of this mod and no per-requirements are necessary to download and install this mod.

11. Interesting NPCs

Interesting NPCs adds some variety to Skyrim's oft-bland and lifeless NPCs, most of which, if they don't have a quest for you, will just spout generic lines that you'll hear repeated over and over again. This mod adds a whole host of new characters, all with their own back stories, unique lines, and (most importantly) new voice acting that is (mostly) high quality. In total the content added by this mod is quite plentiful, with over 250+ fully voiced NPCs, 25+ followers, 15+ marriage NPCs, and 50+ quests as well. This is a great mod to add a lot of new feel and life to the game of Skyrim through these characters and all these characters are well integrated into the game. Overall a great mod for increased immersion and content.

12. The Forgotten City

This mod resembles something more akin to a Bethesda DLC expansion. The Forgotten City is a murder mystery set in the titular Forgotten City. It offers around 8 hours of gameplay and some high-quality writing that won a national Writer's Guild award. It's a very unique mod that's well worth checking out. Featuring a very interactive story line where the player can explore the forgotten city and work through many challenging decisions. It has different endings based on what you decide to do, original music and even custom dialogue by professional voice actors. A truly amazing work of art for all Skyrim players to enjoy.

13. Way of the Monk – Unarmed Overhaul

This Unarmed Overhaul mod does exactly that. It overhauls unarmed combat in an attempt to make it a viable play style. Featuring two new skill trees, Unarmed and Unarmoured, as well as a variety of related perks and equipment, it allows players to roll a Monk-like character and discover their inner zen. It also adds new enchantments, enemies and locations to the game. This mod has had a ton of work put into it (500+ hours) and completely adds a new way to play the game. A great mod with a ton of detail that is worth checking out!

14. Duel – Combat Realism

Duel is a mod that aims to fix the unrealistic combat system in Skyrim and completely change the way you play. It makes the player pay close attention to their stamina bar in order to survive, it ties in your weapons and armour to bring added realism, it changes how archery works, and more. If you're looking for a dramatically different combat experience in Skyrim, Duel is your best bet.

15. Apocalypse – Magic of Skyrim

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Bethesda Game Studio's iconic fantasy epic is a great game with a ton of content on its own, but with the hard work of a tirelessly hard-working modding community, Skyrim becomes something truly unique.

In this article, we're going to run down some of the best, most interesting, and most essential mods that Skyrim has to offer.

How do I install Skyrim mods?

There a few ways to install and manage your mods for Skyrim, and how you do it depends on which version of Skyrim you have. The Special Edition includes tools for searching for, installing and managing mods all built into the game. You can access it all from the main menu and it allows you to find and install new mods and update old ones without closing the game.

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If you have the original version of Skyrim, then your best bet is using a third party mod manager such as Nexus Mod Manager. This software allows you to easily install and update mods and handily keep them all in one place. Of course, you could always install mods manually into the game's directory, but third-party managers make it quicker and simpler.

26 Best Skyrim Mods You Need To Check Out

1. SkyUI

SkyUI is an excellent mod that overhauls the game's original cumbersome inventory. It makes the UI much easier to navigate and is much more appropriate for the many, many, many items, weapons and random objects you'll be picking up. It may also be a good introduction to the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE), a tool that expands the capabilities of mods and allows you to make more dramatic changes to the game.

2. Static Mesh Improvement Mod

The Static Mesh Improvement Mod is a graphical mod that simply makes the game's static 3D models look nicer. It's no secret that Skyrim's graphics haven't exactly aged well in the 7 years since its original release and this is one of countless mods that attempt to alleviate that problem one bit at a time. An essential mod for anyone trying to make Skyrim look as not-bad as possible.

3. Total Character Makeover

Total Character Makeover is a mod that aims to make the character models of Skyrim look a bit more aesthetically-pleasing and less muddy and rough. The faces of Skyrim have always been a little on the ugly side, and this mod gives the NPCs and the player avatar some improved resolutions without ruining your frame rate. Featuring complete overhauls for texture sets for all races, improved teeth textures, eyebrow textures, beard textures, and even high resolution makeup, warpaint, dirt, freckles, and scars. This mod will improve detail on your characters while remaining consistent with vanilla looks.

4. Opening Scene Overhaul

The Opening Scene Overhaul mod restores some lines that were cut by Bethesda but can still be found in the game's files. It adds additional carriage dialogue, and offers some deeper insight into the world you're about to explore. It also gives you the option of escaping with Ulfric himself if you decide to side with the Stormcloaks. This is a great mod if you think that Skyrim's opening sequences were a little underwhelming. This mod has new voice actors, more dialogue and different conversations with lasting impact on the game. A great mod for fresh immersive experience.

5. Open Cities

The Open Cities mod curbs the immersion-breaking loading screens that hit you whenever you enter a city, and aims to give the game a more Morrowind like feel. Stroll through cities on horseback and come and go as you please. This gives the world a much more open and natural experience, allowing new gameplay opportunities like riding a horse into the center of the new open cities! There are plenty of new battle and conversation interactions that can be had, and none of these will be interrupted with any pesky loading screens. A great mod to help make the world of Skyrim more seamless and connected.

6. Alternative Start

The Alternative Start mod offers a different start for new characters. It's the ideal mod for players who have experienced the original Skyrim opening more than enough times for one lifetime. A fun and unique role-playing mod, this mod is a great way to mix things up a bit if you have to start again with Special Edition, or simply want to make a new character.

7. Diverse Dragons Collection

This very cool mod overhauls the dragons you'll encounter in Skyrim. The original game featured a small variety of dragon designs and the fights quickly become repetitive and underwhelming. The Diverse Dragons Collection adds a staggering 28 new dragons, each boasting their own big dicks. It also features a variety of new dragon breaths and abilities to make the fights more interesting, as well as new ranks for the dragons intended to make the encounters scale with your level.

8. Achievements Mod Enabler

This mod is pretty straightforward. It allows you to earn achievements when using mods. It does this by patching Skyrim SE during its runtime. This will work on any version of Skyrim as it was designed to be version independent. You also do not have to worry if you already have modded before installing this, it also works on saves that have already been modded. Using mods doesn't necessarily mean that you're cheating, so why shouldn't you be able to earn achievements whilst modding the game? Who plays Skyrim without mods, anyway?

9. Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Another nice graphical overhaul mod, the Skyrim Flora Overhaul mod replaces most of the game's trees, grass and plants with original models, including 16 new trees and more than 180 new textures for ground cover and plants. This mod adds a lot more variety of flora, and they are all better looking and unique. It comes with a lot of support from the creator, with installation guides and lots of Frequently Asked Questions to help with any issues you may have. One more essential mod for players looking for the prettiest Skyrim possible.

10. Surreal Lighting

Surreal Lighting adds a bit of wonder to the landscapes of Skyrim, helping to make it feel more fantasy and less ordinary. Helps to make Skyrim more colourful and vibrant. This mod helps to alleviate the often depressing look of Skyrim, and makes it much more pleasant to play. There is also a handy video to show the detail of this mod and no per-requirements are necessary to download and install this mod.

11. Interesting NPCs

Interesting NPCs adds some variety to Skyrim's oft-bland and lifeless NPCs, most of which, if they don't have a quest for you, will just spout generic lines that you'll hear repeated over and over again. This mod adds a whole host of new characters, all with their own back stories, unique lines, and (most importantly) new voice acting that is (mostly) high quality. In total the content added by this mod is quite plentiful, with over 250+ fully voiced NPCs, 25+ followers, 15+ marriage NPCs, and 50+ quests as well. This is a great mod to add a lot of new feel and life to the game of Skyrim through these characters and all these characters are well integrated into the game. Overall a great mod for increased immersion and content.

12. The Forgotten City

This mod resembles something more akin to a Bethesda DLC expansion. The Forgotten City is a murder mystery set in the titular Forgotten City. It offers around 8 hours of gameplay and some high-quality writing that won a national Writer's Guild award. It's a very unique mod that's well worth checking out. Featuring a very interactive story line where the player can explore the forgotten city and work through many challenging decisions. It has different endings based on what you decide to do, original music and even custom dialogue by professional voice actors. A truly amazing work of art for all Skyrim players to enjoy.

13. Way of the Monk – Unarmed Overhaul

This Unarmed Overhaul mod does exactly that. It overhauls unarmed combat in an attempt to make it a viable play style. Featuring two new skill trees, Unarmed and Unarmoured, as well as a variety of related perks and equipment, it allows players to roll a Monk-like character and discover their inner zen. It also adds new enchantments, enemies and locations to the game. This mod has had a ton of work put into it (500+ hours) and completely adds a new way to play the game. A great mod with a ton of detail that is worth checking out!

14. Duel – Combat Realism

Duel is a mod that aims to fix the unrealistic combat system in Skyrim and completely change the way you play. It makes the player pay close attention to their stamina bar in order to survive, it ties in your weapons and armour to bring added realism, it changes how archery works, and more. If you're looking for a dramatically different combat experience in Skyrim, Duel is your best bet.

15. Apocalypse – Magic of Skyrim

Apocalypse is a much-needed overhaul of the magic in Skyrim. Any fan of mages in RPGs is more than aware of how underwhelming magic is in Skyrim. This mod introduces 140 new spells that give you a large variety of new ways to tackle your enemies. These spells aren't just the usual hold down spray of fire/cold/lightning until enemy dies and then rinse/repeat, this mod includes disables, summons, and a number of other cool surprises. Essential if you want to play a mage without getting bored.

16. Sneak Tools

Sneak Tools is a mod that aims to make the stealth more dynamic than simply staying in the shadows and getting bonus sneak attack damage. This mod allows you to slit throats, knock out enemies from behind, wear masks that hide your identity. Douse torches and lanterns to move through the shadows. Add an arsenal of trick arrows, including one that launches ropes that allows you to climb walls. Sneak Tools gives Skyrim a touch of Thief to make it's stealth more interesting.

17. Falskaar

The Falskaar mod is one of the most impressive and comprehensive mods you'll find for Skyrim. It's essentially the size of an official expansion and introduces a new continent with an incredible 25 hours of new material. The creator of this mod took around 2000 hours to make it and now works at Bungie. The continent introduces a huge variety of new quests, wildlife, and a gorgeous landscape. Falskaar is an amazing achievement in modding and is a must-try for any Skyrim fan.

18. Skyrim Redone

Skyrim Redone is the mod of all mods for Skyrim. A true overhaul in the most literal sense, this monumental package of mods brings together a variety of different mods to give the game a massive makeover. It overhauls every aspect of the game, from perks and skills to the character stats and more, and even includes some more unique things like a grappling hook and disguises. It's such a complex mod that it can be a bit of a pain to get working properly, but once you get it all up and running it's the truly definitive modding experience for Skyrim.

19. Immersive Patrols

Immersive Patrols is a mod that creates a series of patrols for the factions of Skyrim: Stormcloak, Imperial, Thalmor, Dawnguard, Bandits, and so on. These routes will sometimes cross paths, leading to some violent clashes between the factions and offering more of the emergent chaos that we all love to watch.

20. The Gate of Solitude

A huge oblivion content mod that adds a whole new questline to Oblivion, playing off of the Oblivion gates from the main storyline. It recommends you be at least level 35, and the creator suggests playing on Master difficulty for the best experience. It's a hard and challenging load of content that's sure to be a fun and interesting experience for experienced Oblivion player who have tired out the rest of the game's content and its expansions.

Download here.

21. Skyrim HD – 2k Textures

Skyrim HD is the most downloaded texture mod of all time for Skyrim. This is a comprehensive visual texture mod that replaces over 600 textures and maps across all of Skyrim. It covers landscapes, architecture, sky, water, clothes, clutter, dungeons and more (including some DLC). It is a mod that has been worked on for thousands of hours, and is constantly being updated with new things. It is truly a magnificent experience after downloading this mod and I highly recommend it to any Skyrim players interested in a brighter, more colorful world.

22. Fores New Idles in Skyrim – FNIS

Fores New Idles in Skyrim is a mod that allows Skyrim to have custom animations added into the game. This includes different types of animation such as idles/poses, sequenced animations, furniture, paired animations, killmoves, creatures, and more. If you add the demonstration mod FNIS Spells, then you can basically use any animation file in the game. Dance animations are also included and that is one of my personal favorite features of this mod. This is a mod that has been updated into 2019 and has lots of support regarding bug fixes and installation help. A must add for improved Skyrim gameplay.

23. ApachiiSkyHair

ApachiiSkyHair is a great customization mod for Skyrim that allows you to have new and improved hairstyles for males and females of different races. This includes Humans, Elves, and Orcs. This mod allows you to change the hairstyle on your existing characters and even on NPCs if you want. With over 216 new hairstyles that have been converted from other games like the Sims, Oblivion and Witcher, it adds a great new personalization aspect to Skyrim that brightens up your whole experience!

24. Immersive Armors

Immersive Armors is a mod that aims to essentially overhaul the existing armor system in Skyrim. It does this by increasing the variety of armor, all while making sure the armor sets are still able to be fit into the lore, game balance and general feel of Skyrim that you would typically expect. This helps to provide new content while remaining immersive for the player since it is all seamlessly integrated. In total it adds 55 new sets of armor with many different variants, tons of helmet variety, 396 new shields, and other cosmetics such as eye patches and capes. Overall a great mod that is compatible with most other mods.

25. A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map – with Roads

Quality world map is a large one, with massive quality improvements to the world map, including the accurate hand-drawn roads. This mod gives you the option to filter your map, with only main roads or remain with all roads. This mod includes highly-detailed map textures, which has two different styles: Vivid and Classic. Vivid provides more detailed textures and stone and flat roads, while the Classic style includes similar detail but a more classic Skyrim feel to it. Quality world map mod also has paper maps included, with incredible detail. Overall a fantastic mod that overhauls the world map system and makes it much more detailed. Give it a try!

Well, if you have heard about Skyrim VR, you can learn how to use mods with Skyrim VR at uploadvr.

These are just some of the amazing mods available at your fingertips. Skyrim is the ultimate modding game. Its extreme flexibility and open-ended nature make it the perfect game to tweak and create new content for. Check out these best mods for Skyrim and see how it changes your Skyrim experience.

Let us know if you think we missed anything!

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